Wayki Super Champion Contest — Final Round
Welcome to Participate in Wayki Super Champion Contest — — Final Round to win up to 7000 USD prizes!
Participants can participate individually or in teams
Round 2 — — Creating Content + Online Exposure+Voting session
Duration: April 15th — April 21st (UTC Time)
Creating Content:
- An article ( 600–1000 words) / A video (10+ minutes) according to one of the 4 topics below
Topic 1: Insightful thoughts after Experiencing WUSD DeFi mechanism (Wayki-CDP in WaykiTimes APP)
Topic 2: Comparison of developing routes and advantages among different stablecoins (Must include WaykiChain stablecoin WUSD)
Topic 3: Analysis of WICC price ( from a positive view )
Such as community, market, team organization, technology development, social media buzz, etc.
Topic 4: Technology analysis of Waykichain
Judging criteria for contents:
a. All information needs to be accurate. The center of the content must be WaykiChain. Must include Wayki-CDP in your contents. It can be your suggestions for Wayki-CDP or some thoughts after experiencing it.
b. References from authority website is preferred (example:https://defiprime.com/)
c. Math; Technology; Finance; DeFi analysis are preferred.
d. Original Creative thinking based on WaykiChain Defi ecosystem is preferred.
e. In-depth understanding of the blockchain industry
f. If you choose to do video, video images need to be clear and coherent. Shooting by the professional camera is preferred.
g. In the end of the article and the video subscribe must include the Following link: WaykiChain Twitter: https://twitter.com/wayki_chain; WaykiChain Medium: https://medium.com/@waykichainwicc; WaykiChain website: https://www.waykichain.com/;WaykiChain Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/company/waykichain维基链
Online Exposure:
- Upload your article on Medium, Reddit or Navor / Upload your video on Youtube
- Post the video or article link on Twitter or Facebook and @WaykiChain
- Please see the example pic:
Judging criteria for online exposure:
a. Results and effects of your articles or videos of your online exposure
b. Authenticity and validity of online exposure
c. Good numbers of your work on SMNs (Social Media Network)
Voting Session:
Rules, please check: https://medium.com/@waykichainwicc/wayki-super-champion-round-2-voting-session-6e1260eaa019
Who can get prizes and Judging criteria, please check: https://medium.com/@waykichainwicc/who-can-get-prize-in-wayki-super-champion-contest-e0bb184e6bf4
If you want to join Round 2, but miss to participate in Round 1. You can still participate in Round 2. But we will have an additional task for you in Round 2 to show justice for all participants. (Additional task might be WaykiChain Knowledge Quiz).
Telegram group for register: https://t.me/waykichainsuper
Come and win the big prizes!!!